When it comes to cleaning, there is no one-size-fits-all solution. However, there are certain types of cleaning services that are more common than others. While some people prefer to DIY everything, others find they can save time and energy by hiring professionals for specific tasks. There are plenty of options available when it comes to hiring cleaning services, but only a few of them are worth their salt if you’re looking for high-quality cleaning services. In most cities, the majority of cleaning companies offer services that fall under one of three categories: general cleaning, special cleaning, or a hybrid of the two. Let’s dive in and learn more about these common types of cleaning services.

General Cleaning

General cleaning is any cleaning service that cleans an entire home or office. This type of cleaning service usually covers every surface and item in the home or office, including floors, walls, furniture, and appliances. General cleaning services are often very broad and cover multiple rooms. They are designed to be a one-time event, as opposed to recurring services that are designed for occasional cleanings.

Special Cleaning

A special cleaning service is any cleaning service that focuses on a specific type of cleaning. Special cleaning services may specialize in one room, such as the kitchen or bathroom. Or, they may specialize in a certain niche, such as cleaning for people with allergies or cleaning for pet owners.While general cleaning services are designed to clean an entire home or office, special cleaning services are often designed to clean a single room. This makes them a more focused option for cleaning. Special cleaning services are also offered on a recurring basis, unlike general cleaning services.

Hybrid Cleanings

A hybrid cleaning service is a combination of both a general cleaning service and a special cleaning service. These hybrid cleaning services are designed to clean a home or office with a specific focus on a room.Hybrid cleaning services often specialize in one or more of these areas: floors (vacuuming, mopping, stripping, etc.), walls (paint stripping, etc.), furniture (cleaning, polishing, etc.), and appliances (cleaning, polishing, etc.).


There are many cleaning services available in most cities. However, there are only a few that offer high-quality cleaning services. You should only hire a general cleaning service if you want your home or office to be clean but don’t want to specialize in a single type of cleaning. You should only hire a special cleaning service if you want your home or office to be extra clean.