Regular cleaning is an essential part of owning a home. Keeping a house clean is something that is not only for aesthetics but also contributes to your health and well-being. Having a clean house reduces the risk of catching diseases and infections by keeping harmful bacteria and germs away. It is also important for indoor air quality, which is related to how often people are breathing poor quality air from their home. Keeping a home clean also helps you relax and reduces stress levels. Having a clean home also brings a sense of cleanliness and orderliness, making you feel proud of your home as well as more equipped to tackle any challenges that come your way. With these benefits in mind, here is how you can make your home clean even more than before:

What is the best way to clean your house regularly?

There are many ways to clean your house, but not all of them will be ideal for every type of home. It all depends on your house type, the number of people living there, and what you are trying to accomplish with the cleaning. Depending on the type of house you own, there are different methods of cleaning that you can use. For example, if you own a house with a simple layout, you can use the “C-shaped cleaning method” outlined below. On the other hand, if you own a house with a more complex layout, you can use the “Z-shaped cleaning method”.

C-shaped cleaning method

The “C-shaped cleaning method” is a good method to use if you have a simple house layout where everything is in close proximity to each other. In this case, you can clean the entire house in three steps: Clean the kitchen, clean the living room, and clean the rest of the house. To do this, start by cleaning the kitchen. Then, move on to the living room. Finish by cleaning the rest of the house.

Z-shaped cleaning method

The “Z-shaped cleaning method” is a good method to use if you have a more complex house layout where different rooms are located far away from each other. In this case, you can clean the entire house in two steps: First, clean the kitchen, and then clean the rest of the house. To do this, start by cleaning the kitchen. Finish by cleaning the rest of the house.

Kitchen cleaning

When cleaning the kitchen, you want to start by cleaning the inside. Then, clean the outside of the kitchen, followed by cleaning the appliances inside the kitchen. After that, clean the countertops inside the kitchen. Last but not least, clean the floors inside the kitchen.

Bathroom cleaning

When cleaning the bathroom, you want to start by cleaning the inside. Then, clean the outside of the bathroom, followed by cleaning the toilet and the sink inside the bathroom. After that, clean the shower inside the bathroom. Last but not least, clean the floor inside the bathroom. Depending on how often you clean, you can do one or more of these tasks on a daily basis.

Rest of the house cleaning

When cleaning the rest of the house, you want to start by cleaning the inside. Then, clean the outside of the rest of the house, followed by cleaning the appliances inside the rest of the house. After that, clean the floors inside the rest of the house. Last but not least, clean the furniture inside the rest of the house. Depending on how often you clean, you can do one or more of these tasks on a daily basis.


Regular cleaning can seem like a lot of work, but it is worth it. Not only will your home look better, but you will also be protecting your health by reducing the amount of bacteria and germs in the air. You can make your cleaning routine easier by creating a cleaning schedule. You can also use a cleaning checklist to make sure you do not forget anything. With the right cleaning methods and a regular cleaning schedule, your home will be cleaner than it ever was before.